DIY with a baby

DIY with a baby brings on all new meaning.  It’s so much harder. I used to spread myself out and leave stuff out until I finished a project.  Now I have approximately 1.5 hours of a nap to try to get something done and then hide it so my son does try to eat my project!  Here is one thing that I actually got done one day as a gift for my best friend Lauren’s little sweetie Charlie.  Here is her blog if you want check out that sweet little man!

And here is Barrett and Charlie- the first weekend they met.  They are bound to be best friends.

Barrett looks so caring for Charlie!  After this he probably tried to rip off his nose or something but it was sweet for a moment.

~ by katemorgner on October 16, 2011.

One Response to “DIY with a baby”

  1. aww, yeah! We love it – greatest gift ever!

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